Devlog 1 - Game engine in Rust?

Hello world!

I’ve been meaning to write more here but a new project was taking all my free time. Now that it looks a bit more presentable, I’ll try to give more updates here! I like games, I like programming and I like Rust, so what’s more nature than coding my own game engine :).

But there are a lot of game engines already!

Yea well, … that is life.

Seriously, why?

It all started because I wanted to learn 3D graphics. There are a couple of crates that interface with the graphic API with Rust, for example glium, gfx-hal and vulkano. I started with the latter because Vulkan is lower level than OpenGL and is also used in a lot of other languages. Hal looks great and is heavily inspired by the Vulkan API so I might switch later if cross-platform is too much of a concern.

Anyway, from a simple triangle example, it evolved to a simple 3D game engine with a game editor.

Editor + Draft of arena

A game in mind

Instead of mindlessly coding some random 3D stuff, a friend joined me and we are going to develop a game at the same time as the engine. The game will be a multiplayer FPS, Arena style with cel shading style graphics. Let’s do this!

In the coming weeks I might add more content: